Dear friends of Educare Mpame
Educare is a non-profit organization (NPC) established and managed by Jean-Marie and Tony Robertson. Together, they handle all administrative tasks, oversee repairs, and tirelessly work to secure funding for our initiatives.
Every rand you donate is carefully accounted for and directly invested in the project, making a real and meaningful impact.
Your support is vital and deeply appreciated. Thank you for standing with us in this journey!

Your contribution will make a lasting impact on our community.
You can Sponsor:

A Meal
Ensuring that we maintain healthy bright minds
Monthly Meal
R100/month (R1200/year)

A Child
Cost of 1 child including meals, education and creche costs
Full Sponsor
R500/month (R6000/year)
Portion Sponsor
R200/month (R2400/year)

A Teacher
Cost of a teacher a month is R4500
Full Sponsor
R4500/month (R54,000/year)
Portion Sponsor
R500/month (R6000/year)

Garden Maintenance
Ensuring that we maintain healthy bright minds with fresh vegetables daily
Monthly assistance
R100/month (R1200/year)
See more about Gardening

Own Amount
This contributes to any small cost that come up during the year, or when we save for a special event 🙂
Monthly / Annually
Our Payment Information


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Direct Donation
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 62806726529
Your support is needed, welcome and most appreciated
COR14.3: Registration Certificate:
Registration Number 2019/154136/08.
Educare Mpame has been granted a tax exemption by SARS and is a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) with section 18A status.
By making a donation to Educare Mpame, you can make a meaningful contribution to Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE).
Educare Mpame's beneficiaries are 100% black African. B-BBEE points can be earned by supporting Educare Mpame.
Donors 2024 | Total Donated | R470 024,71 |
ABC Bryan Owen | Jade Jon Youens | Nicola Wassel |
Andrew Chin | Janet Hodkins | Peter and Jayne North |
Athol Surtees | Jenni Warner | Rory & Angela Haschick |
Barbara Warrilow | JMR Projects | Revelstone |
Beryl and Jeff Haschick | Joanne Chaplin | Rosemarie & Brian Lockie |
Betty Carter | Karen Hart | Ryan Breedzke |
Bev McLoughlin | Lately Girl | Solon Foundations |
Bildungsforderung Transkie | Leonie Greyling | Steve and Barbara Gettliffe |
Bridge-ed Foundation | Leonie Viljoen | Swim for Rivers |
Chris North | Lunch box foundation | Tamara Mc Arthur |
Dave and Aneilize Bursey | Lutheran Church of the Foothills | Ted Ruiter |
Donna Kay | Lynne Semple | Tish North |
Gary & Colleen Midlane | Marlyn Van Heeden | Tony Robertson |
Iain Stewart | Mike Howard | Wes Dewing |
Investec Leiila Chin | My School | |
Jacqui Finlay | Myles Siebrits | |
Jade Joan North-Dewing | Ngcwanguba Store |
Donors 2023 | Total Donated | R403 543,22 |
Athol Surtees | Jade NorthDewing | Myles Holloway |
ABC Bryan Owen | Janet Hodkins | NICOLA Wassel |
Barbra Warrilow | Jeff and Berly Haschick | RMD Rob Robertson |
Bev Lieghton | Karen Hart | Russel McMillan |
Bildungsforderung Transkie | Khulacape | Steve and Barbara Gettliffe |
Brenda Owen | Kisten Web | Swim for Rivers Andrew Chin |
Chris North | Leonie Viljoen | Tish North |
Donna-Kay Lee | Lynne Semple | Tony Robertson |
Gary & Coleen Midlane | Malcolm Carew | Victor Family |
Hohm Energy | Marlyn van Heeden | Wes Dewing |
Iain Stewart | Mike Hindson | Winstanley inc. |
Investec Liela Chin | Mike Howard | Jenni Warner |
Jacqui Finlay | My School |
Donors 2022 | Total Donated | R463 942,13 |
ABC | Jade North Dewing | Midlanes Sleep Shop |
Anthea | Janet Hodkins | Mike Howard |
Athol Surtees | Jaqui Finlay | My school |
Babara Warrilow | Jenni Warner | Myles Holloway |
Back a buddy | Karen Hart | Peter &. Jane North |
Bev & Alan Leighton | Khulacape | Steve & Barbara Gettillffe |
Bildungsforderung Transkie | Leonie Greyling | Tish North |
Chris North | Leonie Viljoen | Tony Robertson |
Donna Kay lee | Lynne Semple | Victor family |
Iain Stewert | Malcolm Carew | Wes Dewing |
Donors 2021 | Total Donated | R504 404,97 |
A Groom | George Lindequest | Nora Walker Educare Mpame |
Annette Sausen | Gunert | Peter & Jayne North |
Barbara and Steven Gettiliffe | Hana Wahl | Provident Animal health |
Barbara Warrilow | Iain Stewart | Tamara Mac arthur |
Bildungsforderung Transkie | Jade & Wes Dewing | Ted Ruiter |
Bulls INN Porridge | Jade de Hutton | Tony Roberson |
Cameron Edwards | Karen Hart | Beryl Haschick |
Colleen Midlane | Leonie Viljoen | Kate TER-Morshuizen |
Chris North | Malcolm Carew | Nicloa Geiger |
Daniel Sorrell | Mike Howard | |
Donna Kay Lee | My school | |
Dr Lynne Keeton | Myles Holloway |
Donors | Total donated | R51 793,11 |
Anonymous | Finlay Family | Mia Hols |
Andrew Chin | Greg Reis | Mike Hindson |
Annelize Bursey | Heather Lategan | Mike Howard |
Anonymous | Iain Steraert | Nicky Heyler |
Anonymous | Jade de Hutton | Nikola Gtiger |
Anonymous | JADE DE HUTTON | Nora Walker Fire relief |
Beryl Haschick | Janet Hodkins | Rob Robertson |
Bevan | KEN & ROMY FIRE RELIEF | S & B Gettiliffe |
BLUE 7 CORE DRILLING Fire relief | Ken Owen | Terry Winstanly |
Carol | Leonie Greyling | Tunstall family |
Caroline | Leonie Viljoen | Yvonne Hitchcock |
CLINT JOENS | Lockie Family | Anonymous |
Colin Bower | Lynne Semple | |
de Villiers family | Malcolm Loubsher |
Donors 2020 | Total Donated | R152 451,52 |
ABC | Justin lindsay | Ren & Bev Ekestien |
Alison Hendeson | ken owen | Rieger Group |
Bright water cottage | Leonie Viljoen | Roving reporters |
Chris North | My School | Sophia Jaegers |
Chrismas bonus Cat | Myles Holloway | Steven & barbra Gettiliffe |
Colleen and Gary Mdlane | Nauticat | Steven O’Hagen |
Craig Getiliffe | Nick Hart | Terry Winstanly |
Donna- Kay Lee | Nicola Wassell | Tish North |
Gerlinda Grunert | Nora Walker | Tony Robertson |
H Sausen | Oliver Fowls | Beryl Haschick |
Hartmut Grunert | Paul & Jenni Wagner | |
Iain Stewart | Peter & Carol Strydom | |
ian write | Peter North |